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2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

Scientists Finally Opened The Secret Door On Top Of Egypt's Ancient Pyramid
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Welcome to our deep dive into the mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Giza! In this video, we explore the fascinating discoveries and artifacts found around Khufu's Pyramid, including the Solar Boat Pits, the tombs of the pyramid builders, and the intriguing Mastaba of Queen Hetepheres. Did the ancient Egyptians really build these monumental structures, or did they move into pre-existing pyramids? We’ll uncover the architectural marvels inside the Great Pyramid, such as the Grand Gallery, King’s Chamber, and the enigmatic Subterranean Chamber, using advanced technologies like ground-penetrating radar and muon tomography. Join us as we investigate the intricate design and construction of the pyramid, the treasures and artifacts found nearby, and the latest theories challenging our understanding of this ancient wonder. From the remarkable craftsmanship of the solar boats to the significant findings in the worker's tombs, Don’t miss this exciting journey into one of history’s greatest mysteries! With added Insights From Graham Hancock.

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LEVITATION. The ruins of several ancient civilizations - like the pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge in the UK, and many others - are monuments constructed of massive stones. How the great pyramids of Egypt were built has been the subject of debate for a long time.

The fact is, no one really knows for certain exactly how some of these megaliths were constructed. Some researchers think ancient cultures may have mastered levitation through sound which allowed them to easily manipulate massive objects. Unfortunately, anyone suggesting the use of this kind of technology is attacked and labeled a "pseudoscientist".

Abul Hasan Ali Al-Masudi is known as the Herodotus of the Arabs. Like everyone, he was awestruck by the pyramids. He wrote a very intriguing passage about how the giant stone blocks were transported -- through levitation.

The Great Pyramid of Giza does possess some extraordinary acoustic properties, and can dramatically amplify sounds at certain frequencies. The Egyptians clearly knew a lot about sound science.

Let's explore the Coral Castle in Florida, built by Edward Leedskalnin, who cut, transported and sculpted over 1,000 tons of rock into a sprawling complex -- alone, without heavy machinery.

We'll visit The Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek in Lebanon which boasts the largest stones ever carved by human hands.

Nan Madol is an archaeological site in Micronesia. It's been called the Machu Picchu of the Pacific. The engineering of Nan Madol is so complex, no one can figure out how it was built.

Let's hear the story told by Dr. Jarl about Tibetan monks who lifted stones by chanting and playing instruments -- which Jarl put on film.

There is science behind all these stories, yet "mainstream" academia dismisses each and every one as pseudoscience. Why is it wrong to want to explore ancient knowledge that contradicts modern beliefs? Isn't this the exact purpose of science?

I think so. Let's find out why.

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2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

Secret passages within the Great Pyramid have been sought for thousands of years by countless explorers. Is it possible that such a passage has been hiding in plain sight for centuries? This video examines new visual evidence within the ScanPyramids North Face Corridor to explore that possibility.

Additional clues within the hidden passage are scrutinized to determine what other secrets might lay beyond, and what the real purpose of the structure may be.

Finally, possibility for further exploration is assessed and a real test is laid out for whether or not Egypt is ready to follow the evidence as it can be seen.


Join this channel to get access to livestreams: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCDWboBDVnIsGdYSK3


Thanks to ScanPyramids for a decade of research and images: http://www.scanpyramids.org/

Thanks to the Isida Project for photos: https://isida-project.ucoz.com/

Bulletin of the French Society of Egyptology: https://www.sfegyptologie.fr/

Quotations Sources:

W. M. Flinders Petrie “The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh” Field & Tuer London, 1883

Graphics Sources:

"The Great Pyramid’s north face corridor (SP-NFC) discovered by the ScanPyramids mission" - Hany Helal, Mehdi Tayoubi and the ScanPyramids team:

SanPyramids SP-NFC 2024 Report:

SanPyramids SP-NFC 2023 Report:

ScanPyramids 2019 Report:

ScanPyramids 2017 Report:

ScanPyramids 2016 Report:

Khufu Reborn - Dassault Systemes (Documentary):

Gilles Dormion “La Chambre de Cheops” Fayard (2004)

Soundbite Sources:

"Prominent Egyptologist says hidden chamber find is “not a discovery” AP News Archive:

"New discovery inside Great Pyramid of Giza reveals hidden secrets" TODAY - NBC News:

"Dr. Zahi Hawass reveals hidden tunnel in the Great Pyramid of Giza (March 2nd, 2023)" ArchaeologicalPaths:

00:00 Introduction
01:45 Forgotten Spaces
03:27 Predictions
05:11 Floor Hole
07:22 New Clues
09:54 Corridor Context
12:19 Closing Access
15:03 More Exploration
17:23 VR Exhibition

0 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

Key aspects of pyramid construction from quarry to completion.
Check out Audible: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe
Live show in Alabama: http://bit.ly/VeRAOI

The most common misconception about the pyramids is that they were built by slaves. Recent archeological evidence suggests they were instead constructed by paid workers. Some may have performed this work as a form of tax payment for several months of the year. Skilled engineers would have planned and orchestrated the building. An estimated 10,000-20,000 people would have been working on a pyramid at any one point in time. They were well fed and provided with shelter near the pyramids. Plus their burial sites close by indicate they were respected and were not slaves.

Much of the limestone was quarried from the Giza plateau itself, meaning the stones did not need to be transported far. The granite casing of Menkaure's pyramid, on the other hand, was transported from Aswan, around 600 miles, or 1000 km up the Nile.

Editing assistance by Dustin Chow

Music by Kevin MacLeod, Incompetech.com "Desert City" and "Ibn Al-Noor"

0 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

A map of pyramid casing stones proves how it was constructed.

It’s the most popular question in ancient history: how were the large pyramids of Egypt built? Many concepts have been suggested for thousands of years, all the way back to Herodotus in Ancient Greece. But while there are many ways the pyramid could have been built, the actual method is the one everybody wants to find.

Proposed solutions cite indirect evidence, combined with thought exercises that range from reasonable to hilariously impractical. There is virtually zero consensus on how to approach the problem, or even define the parameters of what was possible.

The goal of this video is to use direct evidence from the pyramid of Khafre to get us closer to the actual solution. The pattern is laid out for everyone to see - and anyone approaching the building question seriously needs to address the evidence presented here.

Thank you to everyone for their kind support. Become a Channel Member (the Join button) for the price of a cup of coffee, and help me continue the work. Or, just leave a great pun in the comments and rock on.

Thanks to Armend Kabashi for the Khafre photos which inspired the journey.


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Animations of pyramid builders from the works of Jean-Pierre Houdin:

Still frame of pyramid inset ramp from here:

Drone footage clips:

0:00 Intro
1:58 Two Key Observations
3:09 New Casing Survey
4:13 Mission Parameters
5:35 Taking Photographs
7:19 Surveying Blocks
8:10 Scaffold Gaps?
8:39 Bonding Stone Design
11:09 Built for Efficiency
12:33 The Building Pattern
13:35 Obsolete Building Models
14:55 Construction Sequence
16:51 Next Casing Study
17:35 Collaboration

0 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

Graham Hancock discusses his experiences climbing the Great Pyramid, the significance of the Sphinx of Giza, and how local Egyptians view these monuments. He also shares new discoveries inside the Great Pyramid using advanced scanning technology.

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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

JRE #2142 w/Christopher Dunn
YouTube: https://youtu.be/R6xHjdF4jSU
JRE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/....4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwO

1 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

https://www.youtube.com/user/PioneerProductionsUK ...Built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world, the pyramids—especially the Great Pyramids of Giza—are some of the most magnificent man-made structures in history. Their massive scale reflects the unique role that the pharaoh, or king, played in ancient Egyptian society. Though pyramids were built from the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the close of the Ptolemaic period in the fourth century A.D., the peak of pyramid building began with the late third dynasty and continued until roughly the sixth (c. 2325 B.C.). More than 4,000 years later, the Egyptian pyramids still retain much of their majesty, providing a glimpse into the country’s rich and glorious past.

During the third and fourth dynasties of the Old Kingdom, Egypt enjoyed tremendous economic prosperity and stability. Kings held a unique position in Egyptian society. Somewhere in between human and divine, they were believed to have been chosen by the gods to serve as mediators between them and the people on earth. Because of this, it was in everyone’s interest to keep the king’s majesty intact even after his death, when he was believed to become Osiris, god of the dead. The new pharaoh, in turn, became Horus, the falcon-god who served as protector of the sun-god, Ra.

The pyramid's smooth, angled sides symbolized the rays of the sun and were designed to help the king's soul ascend to heaven and join the gods, particularly the sun god Ra.

Ancient Egyptians believed that when the king died, part of his spirit (known as “ka”) remained with his body. To properly care for his spirit, the corpse was mummified, and everything the king would need in the afterlife was buried with him, including gold vessels, food, furniture and other offerings. The pyramids became the focus of a cult of the dead king that was supposed to continue well after his death. Their riches would provide not only for him, but also for the relatives, officials and priests who were buried near him.

No pyramids are more celebrated than the Great Pyramids of Giza, located on a plateau on the west bank of the Nile River, on the outskirts of modern-day Cairo. The oldest and largest of the three pyramids at Giza, known as the Great Pyramid, is the only surviving structure out of the famed seven wonders of the ancient world. It was built for Khufu (Cheops, in Greek), Sneferu’s successor and the second of the eight kings of the fourth dynasty. Though Khufu reigned for 23 years (2589-2566 B.C.), relatively little is known of his reign beyond the grandeur of his pyramid. The sides of the pyramid’s base average 755.75 feet (230 meters), and its original height was 481.4 feet (147 meters), making it the largest pyramid in the world. Three small pyramids built for Khufu’s queens are lined up next to the Great Pyramid, and a tomb was found nearby containing the empty sarcophagus of his mother, Queen Hetepheres. Like other pyramids, Khufu’s is surrounded by rows of mastabas, where relatives or officials of the king were buried to accompany and support him in the afterlife.


1 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

The ancient Egyptian pyramids are a feat of architectural achievement that still baffles visitors today, but in our new video we are going to investigate how the pyramids were built, and we dive into the controversial topic of WHO built the ancient pyramids! Was it aliens trying to teach us their advanced methods, or was it sheer man-power? Stick around and watch because this video will surely amaze you!

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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.

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A spectacular aerial journey across Egypt reveals how the Nile River was the key to the ancients’ empire and why it is still important today.

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Egypt's Ancient Empire | Egypt From Above (Full Episode) The Nile River

National Geographic

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WATCH Gregg Braden's FREE Video Event - The New Human Story: Awakening Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-Healing
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--------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------------

Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, researcher, educator, lecturer and internationally renowned as a pioneer bridging science, spirituality, and human potential.

From 1979 to 1991, Gregg worked as a problem solver during times of crisis for Fortune 500 companies, including Cisco Systems, where he became the first Technical Operations Manager in 1991. He continues problem-solving today as he merges modern science and the wisdom of our past to reveal real-world solutions to the issues that challenge our lives. His research has led to 15 film credits and 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages.

Gregg is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and is active with visionary organizations, including the HeartMath Global Coherence Initiative and The Arlington Institute. He has presented his discoveries in over 30 countries on six continents and has been invited to speak to The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, and the U. S. military.

The United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal lists Gregg among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 7th consecutive year, and he is a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award, established to honor “outstanding individuals who have devoted their talents to expanding our vision of human purpose and ultimate reality.”

Please enjoy my conversation with Gregg Braden.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
1:02 - Who built the Pyramids?
6:28 - Where does the Ancient Civilization come from?
10:55 - How were the stones created?
20:20 - How are Pyramids dated?
29:15 - Greggs discovery about the pyramids
34:11 - What was happening in the Pleistocene?
41:17 - Is there a mother civilization?
49:23 - The implications of advanced technology and what it would mean to our world today.
55:27 - Why the past is so important and why we need to know it?
56:47 - Spirituality / Divinity
1:10:30 - Gregg's Work

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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Oliver and Lucas want to learn about the Pyramids of Egypt, the most mysterious and puzzling pyramids on Earth.

They travel to the Great Pyramid of Giza to meet Ayam, who will take them on a tour of the Giza Complex where she will share facts about the Great Pyramid of Giza and Ancient Egyptian History.
Why were the Pyramids Built? How Long did it take to build the Great Pyramid of Giza? All these questions will be answered.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest and tallest pyramid, standing at 146m tall. According to Egyptologists the Great Pyramid of Giza was built as the final resting place for the most powerful ruler of Egypt's Old Kingdom, Pharaoh Khufu around 4,500 years ago.

As one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, these magnificent and grand structures have had archeologists from around the world baffled as no one can confirm how these remarkable buildings of ancient times were built!

We hope you enjoyed learning about history for kids in this educational video for kids. Be sure to hit the subscribe button so you can come along with us on our next educational adventure!

Big thank you to Drone Snap. We used their spectacular drone footage from their Youtube channel. You can check them out at 👉🏽 https://www.youtube.com/dronesnap

Thank you Ayam our tour guide who was able to answer the 100 question thrown at her from Oliver and Lucas about the The Great Pyramids! She can be found on instagram at 👉🏽

For more educational videos for kids be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Oliver and Lucas - Educational Videos for Kids at 👉🏽 https://youtube.com/c/OliverandLucas

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1 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

For more than 4500 years, the pyramids of Egypt have stood as wonders of the world. When studying the Pyramids, the facts are truly astonishing with the Great Pyramid alone weighing almost six million tons and containing over 2.3 million stone blocks. This documentary looks at the great mysteries of how they are still around, who built them, how were they built, why were they built and what secrets still lie inside their stones?

Professional engineer Denys Stocks teaches us the art of Pyramid building. He's spent twenty years mastering the techniques that were used by the ancient workmen and shows how such vast quantities of stone were quarried, transported and fitted by a civilisation that had not even invented the wheel.

Other professionals like Zahi Hawass take us on tours of the tombs inside the Pyramids and Mark Lehner who discovered where the pyramid builders lived.

Subscribe – http://goo.gl/wpc2Q1

1 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

Nikola Tesla and Graham Hancock believe the Great Pyramid in Egypt contains a forgotten advanced technology that was harnessed by an ancient lost civilisation. But who built the pyramids? Joe Kirby from Off the Kirb Ministries investigates the various options proposed by Joe Rogan, Elon Musk and Ron Wyatt whilst ending with his thoughts on who designed the Egyptian pyramids in Giza.

#egypt #pyramid #offthekirb

7 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

Egyptologists explore why the ancient Egyptians only built these massive structures for a few centuries in their vast 3,000 year history.
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About Lost Treasures of Egypt:
An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world's richest seam of ancient archaeology - Egypt's Valley of the Kings. For a full season of excavations and with unprecedented access to the teams on the front line of archaeology, we follow these modern-day explorers as they battle searing heat and inhospitable terrain to make the discoveries of a lifetime. Using innovative technology and age-old intuition in their quest to uncover the secrets of these ancient sites, can the team's discoveries re-write ancient history?

About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.

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The Evolution of Ancient Egypt's Pyramids | Lost Treasures of Egypt

National Geographic

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Lex Fridman Podcast full episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMHiLvirCb0
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Graham Hancock a journalist and author who for over 30 years has explored the controversial possibility that there existed a lost civilization during the last Ice Age, and that it was destroyed in a global cataclysm some 12,000 years ago. He is the presenter of the Netflix documentary series "Ancient Apocalypse", the 2nd season of which has just been released.

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Graham's Website: https://grahamhancock.com/
Ancient Apocalypse (Season 2): https://netflix.com/title/81211003
Graham's YouTube: https://youtube.com/GrahamHancockDotCom
Graham's X: https://x.com/Graham__Hancock
Graham's Facebook: https://facebook.com/Author.GrahamHancock
Fingerprints of the Gods (book): https://amzn.to/4eM3QXC

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TESLA KNEW The Secret of the Great Pyramid of Giza: A Power Plant to Generate Unlimited Free Energy for the World

Nikola Tesla believed that he could harness the energy from inside the earth and transmit that power *wirelessly* around the world.

His early experiments were successful. But his research mysteriously vanished after his death.

There is no evidence left of Tesla's wireless power technology.

Or is there?

For years we were taught that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a tomb for a king.

It wasn't. It had a different purpose.

Tesla didn't invent wireless power. It's been here for 5,000 years. And probably a lot longer than that.

Let's find out why.


Christopher Dunn, recent lecture:

Christopher Dunn, early lecture:


Electromagnetism study:

World wireless system:

Robert Schoch lecture:

#Tesla #Mystery #Pyramids

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2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

The enigma of the Egyptian pyramids continues to captivate the world. Egyptologists and archaeologists have ingeniously crafted a groundbreaking tool, harnessing aerial and satellite imagery to unveil precious insights into these awe-inspiring monuments.

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0 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

10 reasons why the Egypt pyramids TERRIFY scientists. Ancient Egypt holds many mysteries that archaeologists are trying to figure out. The mysterious history of Egypt is why it interests scientists.

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0 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

There are many theories on how the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built, including ramps, cranes and aliens. Now, archeologists are suggesting that the Egyptians harnessed the power of water to float the huge stone blocks hundreds of feet in the air.

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