New Secret Passage in the Great Pyramid Revealed?
Secret passages within the Great Pyramid have been sought for thousands of years by countless explorers. Is it possible that such a passage has been hiding in plain sight for centuries? This video examines new visual evidence within the ScanPyramids North Face Corridor to explore that possibility.
Additional clues within the hidden passage are scrutinized to determine what other secrets might lay beyond, and what the real purpose of the structure may be.
Finally, possibility for further exploration is assessed and a real test is laid out for whether or not Egypt is ready to follow the evidence as it can be seen.
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Thanks to ScanPyramids for a decade of research and images:
Thanks to the Isida Project for photos:
Bulletin of the French Society of Egyptology:
Quotations Sources:
W. M. Flinders Petrie “The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh” Field & Tuer London, 1883
Graphics Sources:
"The Great Pyramid’s north face corridor (SP-NFC) discovered by the ScanPyramids mission" - Hany Helal, Mehdi Tayoubi and the ScanPyramids team:
SanPyramids SP-NFC 2024 Report:
SanPyramids SP-NFC 2023 Report:
ScanPyramids 2019 Report:
ScanPyramids 2017 Report:
ScanPyramids 2016 Report:
Khufu Reborn - Dassault Systemes (Documentary):
Gilles Dormion “La Chambre de Cheops” Fayard (2004)
Soundbite Sources:
"Prominent Egyptologist says hidden chamber find is “not a discovery” AP News Archive:
"New discovery inside Great Pyramid of Giza reveals hidden secrets" TODAY - NBC News:
"Dr. Zahi Hawass reveals hidden tunnel in the Great Pyramid of Giza (March 2nd, 2023)" ArchaeologicalPaths:
00:00 Introduction
01:45 Forgotten Spaces
03:27 Predictions
05:11 Floor Hole
07:22 New Clues
09:54 Corridor Context
12:19 Closing Access
15:03 More Exploration
17:23 VR Exhibition