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It might be possible, according to our experts, that underneath the Pyramids and the Sphinx, could be the remains of an ancient city or a military base built by the gods whose visage can be seen upon the Sphinx. In this final episode of season 3, we explore the scattered hints of this lost piece of history, we ponder connections to Atlantis, beings from other worlds, and what secrets concerning our place in the universe may remain to be discovered. Some have ventured into this netherworld but were prevented from exploring deeper into this enigmatic labyrinth. What has been discovered suggests that these tunnels stretch seven levels deep, and span from India to Europe.
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Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉 Travel to the heart of the Great Pyramid of Giza - the only surviving Wonder of the Ancient World.
Built over four and a half thousand years ago, the pyramid is the tomb of the Pharaoh Khufu. You can pass through the solid stone blocks that make up the Pyramid’s core to explore its hidden passages and chambers.
The Great Pyramid’s architects and builders worked with great precision: the access corridors and chambers align almost perfectly on a north-south axis.
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Ancient Invisible Cities | Series 1 Episode 1 | BBC
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ديكورات المباني الحديث
When was the Great Pyramid of Giza Built | Pyramids of Egypt | Why were the Pyramids Built | How Long did it take to build the Great Pyramid of Giza | When was the Great Pyramid of Giza Built | Who First Built The Pyramids | Facts about the Great Pyramid of Giza | Who built the Great Pyramid of Giza | Pyramid Egypt History | What is the Structure of Pyramid | How Tall is the Pyramid of Giza | How Old are the Pyramids of Giza | History for Kids | Science For Kids | Video For Kids | Science Videos For Kids | Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz
Hey kids, in this video Dr. Binocs has uncovered some interesting information about the Pyramids of Giza | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz
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The Mystery of Egypt 🇪🇬
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The Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. Its sides climb at an angle of slightly less than 52 degrees, rising to a summit of 480 feet. But how did they manage to manoeuvre 2.5 tonne blocks to such an incredible height without the crane or the block and tackle system? It was a challenge to the ancient Egyptians and still remains a mystery to modern archaeologists.
Egyptologists explore why the ancient Egyptians only built these massive structures for a few centuries in their vast 3,000 year history.
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An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world's richest seam of ancient archaeology - Egypt's Valley of the Kings. For a full season of excavations and with unprecedented access to the teams on the front line of archaeology, we follow these modern-day explorers as they battle searing heat and inhospitable terrain to make the discoveries of a lifetime. Using innovative technology and age-old intuition in their quest to uncover the secrets of these ancient sites, can the team's discoveries re-write ancient history?
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The Evolution of Ancient Egypt's Pyramids | Lost Treasures of Egypt
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TESLA KNEW The Secret of the Great Pyramid of Giza: A Power Plant to Generate Unlimited Free Energy for the World
Nikola Tesla believed that he could harness the energy from inside the earth and transmit that power *wirelessly* around the world.
His early experiments were successful. But his research mysteriously vanished after his death.
There is no evidence left of Tesla's wireless power technology.
Or is there?
For years we were taught that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a tomb for a king.
It wasn't. It had a different purpose.
Tesla didn't invent wireless power. It's been here for 5,000 years. And probably a lot longer than that.
Let's find out why.
Christopher Dunn, recent lecture:
Christopher Dunn, early lecture:
Electromagnetism study:
World wireless system:
Robert Schoch lecture:
#Tesla #Mystery #Pyramids
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محمد صلاح يدمر بولونيا الإيطالي بهذا الهدف الخيالي والأسيست الرائع وردة فعل مدرب ليفربول واللاعبين
أعلن الاتحاد الأوروبي لكرة القدم "يويفا"، عن اللاعب الفائز بجائزة رجل مباراة ليفربول وبولونيا في دوري أبطال أوروبا.
والتقى ليفربول مع بولونيا مساء اليوم الأربعاء، في ختام مباريات الجولة الثانية لبطولة دوري أبطال أوروبا.
ونجح ليفربول في تحقيق الفوز بهدفين دون رد أمام بولونيا الإيطالي، ليصبح رصيده 6 نقاط.
وحصل المصري محمد صلاح على جائزة رجل مباراة ليفربول وبولونيا بعد أدائه المميز في لقاء اليوم.
وصنع محمد صلاح هدف ليفربول الأول الذي سجله ماك أليستر، وأحرز المصري الهدف الثاني.
وتم اختيار صلاح لاعب ليفربول كأفضل لاعب في المباراة، وقالت لجنة المراقبة الفنية التابعة للاتحاد الأوروبي لكرة القدم: "لقد قدم لحظتين حاسمتين في المباراة، حيث صنع الهدف الأول ونفذ تسديدة رائعة جعلت النتيجة 2-0".
#اللايك_مبيكهربش #نجاوي_سبورت
There are many mysteries in our world today. Some of them are of a human nature, others are more cosmic in tone, and then, there are the historical mysteries that should be “easy to solve” and yet are anything but. Arguably one of the biggest of these mysteries is the one concerning the Great Pyramid of Giza. It’s a very special artifact from ancient times that people have been trying to figure out in terms of its construction. Given the time period it was made in, and the technology of that period, how in the world did the ancient Egyptians get it made? Because surely such an act should’ve been impossibkle, right? With that question in mind, allow us to present to you 20 Egyptian Pyramid Construction Theories!
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Graham Hancock is a British writer who promotes pseudoscientific theories involving ancient civilizations and hypothetical lost lands
Clip Taken From JRE #2051 w/ Graham Hancock
Host: Joe Rogan
Guest: Graham Hancock
Producer: Jamie Vernon
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The ancient Egyptians built more than 100 pyramids for their pharaohs, over a period of almost 1,000 years. The most famous pyramids are located on the Giza Plateau, across the river Nile from Cairo. The largest of them is the Great Pyramid, built for the pharaoh Khufu about 4,500 years ago. It was the tallest manmade structure on earth for almost 4,000 years! Come learn about the pyramids, ancient Egypt, and the Sphinx in this fun and educational video!
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Pyramids construction pyramids construction pyramid Khufu ramp theory Egypt Giza limestone granite Pyramids' Construction ancient pyramids ancient Egyptian pyramids ancient Egypt ancient Egyptian pyramid builders Egyptian pyramids. How were the pyramids of Egypt really built Egyptian history ancient Egyptians granite block how did they build the pyramids? Giza pyramid Egyptology great pyramid Khufu pyramid pyramid construction great pyramid of Giza Egyptian pyramid, pyramid ramps pyramid of Khufu pyramids of Giza Egyptians pyramid of Giza pharaoh Khufu Egypt architecture wonders of the world Nile. Nile river building the pyramids building the pyramids of Egypt ancient stone blocks Egyptian archaeology Egyptologists Pyramids pharaoh slaves tombs hieroglyphic Khafre king tut Tutankhamun Joe Rogan Great Pyramids. The Inset Ramp and Egyptology & Pyramid Construction by Ancient Egyptians
How Egypt Built the Pyramid World Wonders - Egyptology Pyramid Construction by Ancient Egyptians
The Great Pyramids of Giza are among the most amazing man-made monuments in history. They were built when Egypt was one of the world's wealthiest and most influential civilizations. The king, or Pharaoh, occupied a unique role in ancient Egyptian civilization, as reflected by their enormous scale. Although the construction of pyramids peaked in the late third dynasty and lasted until about the sixth century B.C., they were actually constructed from the beginning of the Old Kingdom until the end of the Ptolemaic period in the fourth century B.C. (c. 2325 B.C.). The Egyptian pyramids, which still transmit much of their grandeur after more than 4,000 years, offer a window into the nation's illustrious past.
These pyramids impression of Giza Pharoah men's labour was required to build the Great Pyramid, which took 20 years to complete. Given that these guys, who were agricultural labourers, worked on the pyramids mostly when there wasn't much else to do in the fields, that is, when the Nile River was flooded, this estimate is plausible. But by the late 20th century, archaeologists had discovered proof that a smaller crew might have lived there permanently rather than seasonally. So, it was said that 20,000 employees, along with support staff including bakers, doctors, priests, etc., would have been sufficient to complete the job. Three different pharaohs had their royal tombs constructed in the Giza pyramids. The second ruler of the 4th dynasty, Khufu, had the northernmost and oldest pyramid of the group built for him. It is the biggest of the three and is known as the Great Pyramid. Khafre, the fourth of the 4th dynasty's eight monarchs, had the middle pyramid constructed in his honor. Finally, the pyramid of Menkaure, the fifth king of the 4th dynasty, w Khufu and Khafre pyramids.
How the pyramids were constructed. The most likely scenario is that the Egyptians used a sloping and surrounding embankment made of brick, earth, as the pyramid rose and up which, stone blocks were towed using sledges, rollers, and levers. Most Egyptologists agree that ramps are the most practical way to lift the blocks, but they also accept that it is an insufficient solution that needs to be completed by another tool. The Great Pyramid of Giza and other pyramids include archaeological proof of the use of ramps. Levering is the most used technique for aiding ramps. Some historians posit external ramps around the pyramid allowing for blocks to be dragged upwards. Internal ramp enabling bricks to be assembled from the inside out.
However, only small ramps and sloped causeways are found in the archaeological record. Instead of a head-on ramp or an embarkment, the incremental ramping technique sounds more plausible. In this technique, the blocks are ramped incrementally, as in repeatedly prying up alternating sides of the block and inserting wooden or stone shims to gradually move the stone up one course. The internal ramp theory suggests that the blocks were hauled up a short, straight external ramp for the bottom third of the pyramid. At the same time, a second ramp was built inside the pyramid on which blocks for the top two-thirds would be hauled. This ramp, and external ramp had served its purpose. Men hauling heavy blocks of stones up a narrow ramp can't quickly turn a 90-degree corner, so the ramp had openings at each corner where a simple wooden hoist could turn the blocks.
Interestingly, the river Nile also helped in the construction. Nile's bygone Khufu branch was indeed high enough to allow ancient engineers to move enormous stone blocks and construct the magnificent pyramids we know today. All pyramids in Egypt are located on the west coast of the Nile River.
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أفضل مباراة لمحمد صلاح في الدوري الانجليزي الممتاز 🔥◄ سجل 4 أهداف و صنع هدف 😱 ● جنون علي محمد ❤️ FHD
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في هذا الفيديو ملخص لأفضل مباراة للفرعون المصري 🇪🇬 محمد صلاح في بطولة الدوري الانجليزي الممتاز 🏴 حيث استطاع محمد صلاح في موسم "2018" و في بطولة الدوري الانجليزي الممتاز و ضد فريق واتفورد الانجليزي 🏴 تسجيل سوبر هاتريك تاريخي 4️⃣ و صناعة هدف لروبيرتو فيرمينو 1️⃣ لتكون مباراة تاريخية لمحمد صلاح و ليفربول , مباراة تثبت ان محمد صلاح من أفضل الاعبين في العالم بدون شك 💪 .
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شاهد كيف رد محمد صلاح عندما سخر منه جوارديولا ويتغنى الشوالى بمحمدصلاح فى المباراة ملخص لمسات محمد صلاح فى المباراة ليفربول ومانشستر سيتى
ملخص مباراة ليفربول ومانشستر يونايتد
هدف محمد صلاح
واذا اعجبكم الفيديو لا تنسوا الاشتراك فى القناة وتفعيل ذر الجرس لكى يصلكم كل فيديوهاتنا الجديدة والاستفادة منها
في هذا الفيديو نستعرض تعليقات لا تُنسى على أجمل أهداف محمد صلاح في مباراة ليفربول ضد مانشستر سيتي حتى يوم السبت 1/4/2023 ، أجمل أهداف محمد صلاح كانت تعليق عصام الشوالي وتعليق رؤوف خليف وتعليق حفيظ دراجي. بالإضافة إلي بعض البرامج التحليلية أمثال محمد أبوتريكة وأحمد فاخوري ومصطفى البنا الشهير بسعفان.
إجمالي اهداف محمد صلاح قبل مباراة ليفربول و مانشستر سيتي يوم السبت 1/4/2023 هي 10 أهداف بالإضافة إلي صناعة 5 أهداف. سجل محمد صلاح عدد 6 اهداف في الدوري الإنجليزي ضد مانشستر سيتي ، وهدفين أخرين في دوري الأبطال وهدف في الكأس وهدف آخر في بطولة الدرع الخيرية. كل هذه الأهداف موجودة في هذا الفيديو بتعليق عصام الشوالي وتعليق رؤوف خليف.
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